The 3rd regional workshop was held on the 12th to 14th of February 2020 in Cayenne and Régina, French Guiana, to discuss and achieve specific objectives on the theme “Strategies against the threats from goldmining in the protected areas of the Guianas”.
Belizon forest tracks & Jalbot - end of restoration phase of a legal concession © Clément Villien - WWF
Confluence point of Brodel and Mazin creeks - impacts of legal & illegal goldmining © Clément Villien - WWF


The aim of the workshop was to improve the management of protected areas through the sharing of best practices and experiences between stakeholders and communities. More than 70 participants from Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and Peru attended the first day of the workshop in Cayenne and 50 of them participated to the following 2 days in Régina on a more technical level. Among them, protected area managers, experts in the fight against goldmining, representatives of public institutions, NGOs and local communities concerned by this thematic discussed the issues and challenges encountered in each country, as well as the opportunities for cooperation.


In order to meet the objectives of this 3rd Regional Workshop in French Guiana, the working sessions focused on the legal framework of each territory (an overview of the mining laws and strategies of each country); the current situation in protected areas related to the thematic ; the actions already in place in the protected areas and at the borders and the impacts on local communities.  Case studies and practices were also shared during this 3-day workshop and groups discussions were held, while having full knowledge of the legislative and organisational constraints of the 3 participating countries, on possible mechanisms of control.

This meeting succeeded in bringing together stakeholders and protected areas teams to discuss a sensitive matter whose context varies from one territory to another but with similar impacts on biodiversity and local communities’ livelihoods.

About the partners presentations

Overview of Gold Mining Sector

Country Perspectives

How are PAs responding to incidents and impacts ?

Innovative partnerships

Innovative approaches - EMOPI (format PDF / 710.56kB)

Innovative approaches

Impacts on local communities

Sharing of lessons learned and best practices

Strategic planning to address impacts of goldming

Story telling

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